
We’ve chosen to show the ANDRE style in some selected events, that underline our legacy with fashion and artisanal spirit. Among these, surely stand out our partecipation to MONDO DONNA of Trento Expo; dedicated to the development of artisanal creativity Made in Italy,and COSMODONNA at BRIXIA Forum in Brescia, an event dedicated to the feminine world.

IMMAGINE ITALIA – Fortezza Da Basso – 10/11/12 February 2024

COSMODONNA – Brescia – 19/20/21/22 April 2024

COSMODONNA – Verona – 18/19/20/21 October 2024

Press and Appointments
Scimparello – February 2024
Scimparello – February 2024
Ora – January 2024
Ora – January 2024
Just Life – December 2024
Just Life – December 2024
Donna Moderna – December 2023
Donna Moderna – December 2023
Cose&Casa – December 2023
Cose&Casa – December 2023
The Way – February 2024
The Way – February 2024
Non Solo Look – October 2023
Non Solo Look – October 2023
Italian Beauty Community – October 2023
Italian Beauty Community – October 2023
Grazia – November 2024
Grazia – November 2024
Privacy Preferences
La società CALZE ANDRE SRL con sedi in via vicina nr 6 – 25015 Desenzano del Garda, CF 02151410988 e P. Iva 02151410988 (in seguito, “Titolare”), in qualità di Titolare del trattamento, La informa ai sensi dell’art. 13 Regolamento UE n. 2016/679 (in seguito, “GDPR”) che i Suoi dati saranno trattati con le modalità e per le finalità seguenti